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J. Approved Minutes, December 14, 2011
City of Salem Massachusetts
Public Meeting Minutes

Board or Committee:             Redevelopment Authority, Regular Meeting
Date and Time:                  Wednesday December 14, 2011 at 6:00pm
Meeting Location:                       Third Floor Conference Room, 120 Washington Street
Members Present:        Chairperson Robert Mitnik, Conrad Baldini, Robert Curran, Russell Vickers
Members Absent:         Matthew Veno
Others Present:         Executive Director and City Planner Lynn Duncan, Tom Daniel
Recorder:                               Sarah Brophy

Chairperson Robert Mitnik calls the meeting to order. Roll call was taken.

Executive Director’s Report

Lynn Duncan stated that the City Council approved the Urban Renewal Plan. At this time, they are making last minute revisions and incorporating meeting minutes into the document. After receipt of the cover letter from the Mayor, the document will be submitted. Submission is anticipated this week or next. Throughout this process, communication has been constant with DHCD. It is expected that state approval will be granted by early 2012. Robert Mitnik, Chairperson for the SRA, has written a letter to the working group thanking them for their efforts.

Pedestrian Mall design development fund raising efforts are ongoing. Various grants are being explored by the City and the Peabody Essex Museum. Interim improvements may move forward with or without grant funding.

Old/New Business

Small Project Review
  • Utility Box Public Art Program: Discussion and vote on proposed program
Tom Daniel provided an overview of the project that was summarized in a Memorandum to the SRA. At this time, SRA endorsement is being solicited.

Six (6) locations have been targeted for this program in 2012. Four (4) locations are located within the SRA’s jurisdiction. The focus of the program is to bring art to Salem from a broad geographic region. The program is not focused on Salem artists.

One of the objectives is to build off of the Arts Festival in June. Each week, over a six week period, one utility box will be painted. The hope is that the public will engage with the artist while the work is being created.

Submissions for the utility boxes will be judged. However, at this time, the jury has not been selected. The five (5) person jury will be comprised of a variety of members from the art community.

Mike Lash from Mike’s Museum offered additional comments on the project. He stated that it will be a living project. Lash highlighted that it is a regional project and one on one interaction with the artists is encouraged. To document the events for the public and archives, Salem TV may do live interviews.

It was noted that there are provisions in place to repaint the boxes if they get destroyed in some way. Old boxes will get rejuvenated. Artists can repair their work or the City can paint them as required.

Vickers questioned the RFP process. Daniel confirmed that the RFP is designed to solicit artists. Within the RFP, there are a very strict set of guidelines that will keep the street art out and encourage work with a focus on the community and history.

Mitnik stated that the jury under consideration strengthens the project and is very integral to the success of the project.

Curran questioned who would be paying the artists. Daniel confirmed that the City will be paying the artists.

Curran:  Motion to endorse the concept, Vickers. Passes 4-0.

Sign, Awning, and Lighting Review

  • 47 Federal Street (Hemsey Judge, PC): Discussion and vote on proposed signage.
Daniel gave an overview of the DRB meeting. The SRA reviewed the submission which included images of the proposed blade sign. Of the three signs on the sheet, they want to pursue the one on the bottom left.

Baldini:  Motion to approve as recommended by the DRB, seconded by Vickers. Passes 4-0.


The minutes from the November 17, 2011 annual and regular meetings were reviewed. There were no comments.

Baldini:  Motion to approve, seconded by Curran. Passes 4-0.

        Vickers: Motion to adjourn, seconded by Curran. Passes 4-0.

        Meeting is adjourned at 6:33 pm.